About Me

Digital marketer and Bookstagrammer.

My name is Victoria. I was born in France but my heart has been traveling around the world for the past couple of years. Throughout my studies, I went to Canada for an exchange semester and then for an internship, a new internship opportunity took me to Amsterdam and in 2017 I flew to Australia for a year to discover the country. I am now working as a Digital Project Manager at Hachette Livre, a French publishing house.

I graduated from a Master in Digital Marketing and Communications in 2018.

Birthday 24-07-1993
Call on request
Email victoria.vochelet@gmail.com
Website hotchocolatenbooks.blogspot.com
Download CV

My Skills

I have demonstrated experience in working in the areas of marketing and merchandising.

I am proficient in Amazon Ads, in HootSuite and social media (Meta, TikTok, LinkedIn and Pinterest) and Microsoft Office. I also have an beginner level using Photoshop and doing some HTML coding. Both tools have been self-taught.

Social Media
Amazon Ads
Paid campaigns

HTML coding / Photoshop

My Services

What i offer

Digital Marketing Strategy

I craft with you the strategy that will fit best your brand. From social media to SEO including content creation, everything is thought through.

Social Media Management

Social media can be time-consuming and tricky when you are not used to them. From Instagram to Facebook, from TikTok to LinkedIn, social media have only few secrets for me.

Competitive Intelligence

When launching a new product, a new brand or a new project, asserting your online and offline competition is crucial.

Website & Newsletter Creation

I have experience using Wordpress and Blogger. The intermediate knowledge I have of coding helps me to create a website or a newsletter close to your expectations.

Content Creation

Are you looking for someone who loves writing? I could spend hours writing new contents, always in the respect of your SEO strategy. I can also draft Reels for your social media strategy.

Project Management

Working under pressure on different projects do not scare me. Thanks to my previous work experience, managing people is a challenge I look forward to.

My Portfolio

Social Media

  • Travel

    • Bookstagram

    • Communication Tools

      Click on the pictures to get the full projects.

      • Website
      • Newsletter
      • Flyers

My Experience

My Recent Experiences
Aug 2022 - now
Digital Project Manager

I worked with the publishers' marketing teams on their paid campaigns strategy (social media and Amazon).

Feb 2021 - now
Digital Marketing Manager

I created and oversaw the whole digital marketing strategy for two brands: paid campaigns, SEO strategy, social media management, content creation, PR, email marketing campaigns, website management, products photography... I also support the rebranding and the merging of the two brands.

Jan 2019 - Mar 2020
Customer Experience Manager

I managed two teams of 6 and 3 people (bookstore and multimedia) and ensured the store was well-run, well-merchandised and well-staffed while contributing to the overall vision and sales objectives of the store.

May 2017 - Nov 2017
Online Merchandising Assistant

I provided support developing the brands strategies regarding their websites, their social media and their communication tools.

Dec 2015 - Aug 2016
Assistant Brand Manager

I worked as a marketing assistant and a digital marketing specialist. I was in charge of the whole digital strategy development and implementation. I also provided support in the launch of cosmetics brands on Canadian territory.

My Blog

Latest blog

Some scenes contain violent contents that may offend sensibilities of readers.


Prince Rhen has had it all. A perfect life in a perfect castle. He enjoys being the attention of all the girls in the kingdom. One night, he meets Lilith. She is beautiful. The prince shares a bed with her but when comes morning. he chases her away. Heartbroken and hurt in her pride, she reveals she is a powerful enchantress and as a punishment, she curses the castle and the prince. He will live the autumn of his 18th birthday over and over again. To break the curse, the prince needs to find a woman who loves him for who he is. She grants Commander Grey a small gift: the possibility to cross the veil between their world and our modern world to find suitable women. If the suitors do not fall in love with him, he turns into a hideous beast. And then each season will start all over again until he finds the one.

But after years of trying, Prince Rhen and the enchantress make a pact: this will be the last season...



I loved this book. This book was also one of my first books written by Brigid Kemmerer but I think I will have a look on what other books she wrote for I thought this book was really well written.

Words spoken in the dark in the middle of the night always feel so much heavier than they would at any other time.

For the past couple of years, I have been a sucker for retelling stories (A Court of Thorns and Roses, Hunted, The Lunar Chronicles...). As you can guess from the summary, this is a retelling of Beauty and the Beast. We all know the story starting by "Once upon a time...". This story though is both unique and recognizable. The storyline remains the same and you identify elements from the fairytale. However it is also unique in a way that Brigid Kemmerer uses a modern world and a parallel world. 


I liked the characters Brigid Kemmerer created. Using POV helped us understand better what Harper and Rhen are going through. One is new to this world while the other is exhausted by it.

We are all dealt a hand at birth. A good hand can ultimately lose - just as a poor hand can win - but we must all play the cards the fate deals. The choices we face may not be the choices we want, but they are choices nonetheless.

Harper is a passionate woman. She is smart, strong, fierce, brave, loyal and caring. She is a bit tomboyish but that only made me like her more. She was not the cliché of the future princess. As soon as she understands how the curse works, she tries her best to help Emberfall in any way she can. However, as soon as some results are seen and she has a true influence on events, she thinks on how she let down her own family. I totally get it. Her family has a situation on its own but it was sometimes getting on my nerves.
She was not born a princess but she carries herself like one. She knows the skills a true leader needs: she is attentive and she can think through any type of situation. Her brother always thought that her disability meant she was not capable enough to help him in repaying their father's debts but I liked that Rhen and Grey never saw her disability as an obstacle.


“She attacked you?” My eyebrows rise. “Grey. She is half your size.”“She makes up for it in temperament. She most assuredly was not my first choice.”

With Harper, Rhen becomes a wonderful prince. He was so focused on the curse that he forgot he also has people counting on him, people who thought they were to fend for themselves. He has been alone with Grey for sometime now, repeating the curse over and over again. He even started doubting himself since no one could fall for him and after seasons of seeing the curse undefeated, he stopped caring for the girls. He tried sacrificing himself so many times to stop the curse. At this point, it feels like the curse broke him and Harper gave him a purpose again.

Lilith is the only character with no real depth. We know for it was said before that she was a woman hurt in her pride and that she comes from a line of powerful enchantresses who were hunted down by the previous king. But I feel like she could have been more than just an empty villain.


The writing was really easy to go through and the story was so interesting that I read the book in only a few days. There is not a lot of action except at the end but I thought it was okay. It gave the reader time to understand the court, the curse, the characters... There was a bit of political intrigue but not too much. Just enough to set up the scenery and understand how each court work and add a bit of suspense. I was honestly hooked from the first page to the last page. But be warned, it ends on a cliffhanger!

Full article here

Intrigue :

Lena et Ivan sont deux enfants qui grandissent ensemble à Pripyat. Le père de Lena travaille en tant qu'ingénieur pour la centrale nucléaire de Tchernobyl tandis que le père divan travaille et respire la nature. Les deux enfants grandissent et au fur et à mesure des années, leurs sentiments s'intensifient et tous deux se jurent de s'aimer et de rester ensemble.

Mais voilà, un soir du 26 avril 1986, tout va changer pour eux.

La famille de Lena part s'exiler en France et décide de vivre une nouvelle vie. D'abord réticente, Lena comprend vite qu'elle n'a d'autre choix que de se plier à la volonté de sa famille. Elle reconstruit sa vie en Normandie, puis à Paris. Mais jamais elle n'oublie sa patrie et ses origines. Et jamais elle n'oublie ce garçon qui lui avait promis son amour et qui est resté à Pripyat. Et vingt ans plus tard, même si convaincue de la mort d'Ivan, Lena prend le risque de repartir là où tout a commencé...

Avis :


J'ai été sincèrement touchée par ce livre qui parle d'un amour pur et sincère mais aussi de l'abandon. L'abandon d'un amour et l'abandon d'un pays et d'une culture. Ce livre me touche d'autant plus car mes voyages m'ont souvent amenée à vivre seule, loin de tout : loin de la famille, loin des amis et loin de la patrie. Puis quand nous rentrons chez nous, on est chez nous, sans se sentir chez nous.


Ce livre couvre une période de l'Histoire riche en événements : l'explosion de la centrale nucléaire de Tchernobyl, la chute du mur de Berlin et l'effondrement de l'URSS. Le monde bouge, avance. Lena se sent enracinée avec des difficultés pour avancer. Elle se sent retenue en arrière par ses origines, tout en sachant qu'elle doit avancer et cela commence par l'intégration. Et c'est là que nous comprenons aussi l'importance de la littérature dans l'exil de Lena. Au début du roman, Lena lit uniquement des oeuvres russes, puis elle se tourne vers des romans russes traduits en français avant d'en venir aux oeuvres de la littérature française. Et c'est dans les mots qu'elle se réécrit et qu'elle écrit sa propre histoire.

"Plus elle lisait, plus elle devenait française."

Puis il y a Ivan. Ivan qui est resté derrière en espérant revoir Lena. Ivan qui reste auprès de son père et qui voit les conséquences de l'explosion sur la Nature.

Les différents points de vue entre Ivan et Lena au fur et à mesure des années ajoutent à ce sentiment de frustration d'avoir deux personnages qui veulent se revoir mais que les circonstances tiennent éloignés. On attend ce moment de retrouvailles, mais plus les années passent, plus l'espoir s'amenuise que nos deux héros se retrouveront un jour.

"J’ai longtemps espéré ton retour. En 1990, j’ai cru chaque jour que tu reviendrais. Tu sais ce que ça fait d’attendre? D’espérer? Quand ça s’arrête, on tombe de haut. Je croyais en toi, en ta force, en notre complicité. Mais ce n’était que du vent. Comme les autres. Tu es comme les autres. Dès que tu as franchi cette putain de frontière à la con, tu m’as oublié. Peu importe ce qu’on avait vécu. Pfft, du vent! Les promesses ne tiennent que le temps d’être dites. Après, on trouve toujours des choses pour s’en détourner. Se divertir."


Ce livre est simple et honnête. L'écriture lyrique rend ce livre d'autant plus beau. Il pourrait presque être lu à la manière d'un conte. Un conte dans lequel une explosion force les personnages à choisir un destin qui n'était pas censé être le leur. N'en vient qu'à eux de rassembler les morceaux du puzzle pour le compléter.


Article entier ici


Whether you intend to celebrate Valentine's Day with your boyfriend, with your best friend or simply with a cup of ice-cream (which I will probably do), here is a little list of movies you could stream on Valentine's Day (or night ;) ), which are adapted from books.


Pride and Prejudice

Pride and Prejudice

The Fault in our Stars

The Fault in our Stars

Me Before You

Me Before You


Dear John

Dear John



Bridget Jones's Diary

Bridget Jones's Diary

The Time Traveler's Wife

The Time Traveler's Wife

The Notebook

The Notebook

Full article here


What is it?

Fairyloot is a YA book box with different themes every month. January was Mystery & Chief. You have a book published the past month with different goodies related to the monthly theme. 

International book box
November unboxing of the Fairyloot box

In this video clip, the superstar Stromae is taking on Twitter. He depicts a world where Human beings are too much focused on their social media. Ring a bell? Yes, it is a world that looks a lot like ours. It reproduces with exactitude how social media are affecting our lives and their consequences on our relationships with other people.

The Carmen’s bird embodies blue fowl, familiar to Human beings and the further we go in the video clip, the bigger and the more threatening Carmen’s bird gets.Laying on the character’s head, it scares everyone away making every physical contact impossible. What is even more striking is that Stromae represented people from everyday life and celebrities, such as Queen Elizabeth II and Barack Obama. By the end of the video clip, the bird is consuming everyone before expelling them out of its body. The only that comes out is a phone.

Through this video clip, Stromae warns people against social media’s duplicity: “Watch yourself / All those who ‘like’ you out there, those fake smiles cut like hashtag” (“Prends garde à toi / Et à tout ceux qui vous like, les sourires en plastique sont souvent des coups d’hashtag”). He denounces consumer’s consumption of social media. The more time you spend on social media, the more you isolate yourself from others.  Hence your friends are getting fewer but the number of followers are increasing. Being popular does not mean having friends and followers do not mean friends: “Network friends or followers? / No, no, you’re just popular” (“Les amis, les potes ou les ‘followers’ / Vous faites erreur vous avez juste la cote”). We are only able to love ourselves through buying and using social media. The more followers we have, the more important and loved we feel, but it is all fake for it is online.


On some level, I agree with Stromae. There are different reasons to why we put pictures or videos online:
  1. It is memories we want to share with people

  2. But it is also a way of showing off sometimes

  3. We can pretend to be someone we are not or live a life that is not our own

  4. Celebrity is attractive, especially to young people


But if you control yourself, social media are a way of reconnecting or meeting with people and hence improve our social interaction. But it seems like he forgets that social media are also a way to communicate across the world and to give us an easier access to information. Everything lies in your self-control over social media.

Full article here
So, a friend of mine told me about this English TV show he was watching and was “super great!”: Black Mirror. This TV displays the impact of new technology on Human beings. And even though it is a different TV show from what I am used to, it is probably the most interesting one. All the episodes are so right. Each episode stars new actors, a new city and a new storyline. All the episodes are so interesting that I do not really know where to start. It would be too long to talk about all the episode.


In another episode, a grieving girlfriend buys an artificial replica of her dead boyfriend. A friend tells her that there is a way to communicate with her dead boyfriend. After finding out that she was pregnant, she tried and… It replied. “It” and not “He” because we know – and at the beginning she knows too – that it is only a robot that goes through all their Facebook, Twitter, voicemails and so on, in order to know everything that the couple has been going through and in order to be able to duplicate his voice. How crazy is that! But then, she thinks that her boyfriend is actually not dead. She wants to find her dead boyfriend in this robot until she realizes that it is only a robot. The grieving process is so complex to fully understand. We all wish we had more time with our loved ones. Sometimes we convince ourselves that we only want to see them once more to say our goodbyes. But when given the opportunity, we realize we just want more time with them that we cannot have.

I think that one of episodes that disturbed me the most was the one with this new technology behind your ear that enables you to re-watch everything that you did during the day. It literally records everything you are doing. So when the character thinks his wife is unfaithful, he becomes crazy looking for hints through his records. He asks his wife to play everything her chip has recorded. He becomes completely out of control. And then I was thinking about this technology. Would it be good or bad for us? Imagine that you can re-live everything you did with people who are now dead. Would it be so bad? You lost your grand-parents and you just want to remember how it was like to hear them laugh or to hear them telling some stories. But then, would you really live if you keep looking at the past? Would you really be able to mourn over them? So yeah, at the end of this episode, I was like “would it be really bad to have this technology?” I still did not make up my mind about it.


I really advise everyone to watch this show. You only have two seasons of three episodes + the episode of Christmas. It is such as fascinating and interesting show. It is not only about new technology but also about people.

Full article here

Contact Me

Contact With Me

If you want to collaborate on crafting amazing contents for people or you simply wish to hire me, you are very welcome to contact me.

  • Strasbourg, France
  • On request
  • victoria.vochelet@gmail.com
  • hotchocolatenbooks.blogspot.com